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What do we offer?
A successful business plan is proof that we have thought through the business idea, made the necessary analyzes and presented our business to investors as promising and profitable. A business plan is a systematic story that must be understood by everyone who will be involved in your business in any way.
We offer the preparation of a standardized business plan on the proposal of the Slovenian Enterprise Fund, which is the basis for applying to tenders of the Slovenian Enterprise Fund, and is also widely accepted among Slovenian banks. It is made of high quality and at affordable prices.

What is a business plan?
A business plan is a document that tells us in what direction the company will develop in the next 3-5 years. In it, we systematically present the internal and external environment of the company and the financial performance of the business. For companies, this is often the first step towards the realization of an entrepreneurial idea. by preparing, we greatly increase our chances for success and business growth. We prepare it when we want to launch a new product, service or project. be it for a car wash, a car repair shop, a travel agency, a fitness center or a farm. With well-prepared content, we can expand geographically and more easily gather financial resources for e.g. restructuring.
Who is it suitable for?
The business plan is an example for those who are just deciding to enter the entrepreneurial waters, as well as for already established companies that are expanding their business and facing various growth challenges. Growing companies sooner or later get to the point where they need to redefine their mission, vision and goals, customers and competitors.
What should it include?

What is it for?
It is intended to verify the entrepreneurial idea, assess the return on investment, attract investors, obtain credit, and is also useful when applying for European funds. It can also be used to create a website or create a corporate identity. We create a business plan for your needs quickly, with high quality and affordability.

Implementation procedure:
Introductory meeting
Creating a business plan

What do you get:
Content and financial part
based on the Slovenian Enterprise Fund.

Production time:
Up to thirty days
Over thirty days
About us
In the last 15 years, Studio Mazzini d.o.o., independently or with partners, has developed a number of business plans that customers have used to obtain loans, apply for tenders, create marketing plans, websites or as a starting point for creating integrated graphics. The team leader is dr. Dario Berginc, who has a doctorate in management strategies and a licensed business consultant. In his career, he has produced more than 100 business plans and marketing strategies and led more than 50 seminars and workshops on the topic of business plan.
100+ developed business plans and strategies
50+ guided business plan seminars
20+ different industries
Business plan as a useful test before entering the market
With a business plan, we check a business idea
A business plan is a living thing
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